In support and recognition of ho‘oku‘ikahi and SELF CARE, more than 500 physicians, providers and admin staff gathered at the Hawaii Convention Center on June 11 for the 2019 HPMG & PPG Health & Wellness Professional Development Day (PDD).

2019-2020 Residency Class
The morning opened with our new residency class, led by Andrew Kinimaka, MD, sharing an oli, “Kūnihi Ka Mauna,” as a ho‘okupu (a traditional gift of respect) to request permission to enter, join, and learn from the HPMG ‘ohana. In response, Maile Tauali‘i, PhD, MPH (Clinical Transformation Health Care Research Consultant), led by Geoff Sewell, MD (President and EMD), Samir Patel, MD (AMD, Primary Care), Linda Kuribayashi, MD (Designated Institutional Official for KP Hawaii; Internal Medicine), and Mitch Motooka, MD (Director, KP Hawaii Internal Medicine Residency Program; Internal Medicine), welcomed the interns on behalf of the medical group. As they were introduced, they received their IM program white coats. The PGY-3 residents were then honored in a graduation recognition ceremony. Cheers were shared as it was announced that the entire class would be joining the Hawaii Permanente Medical Group practice.
Graduating Residents
There were updates and reinforcements about the importance of caring for our underserved members as well as caring for ourselves. The rest of the day was spent in different areas of the Convention Center or around the island as everyone practiced SELF CARE (sleep, exercise, love and laughter, food, compassion, awe, resilience, and engagement)!
New resident Leina’ala Song and her father Dr. Alan Song practice Exercise by surfing!
New residents Andrew Kinimaka and Chelsie Moyer learning about Food with the Plant-Based Cooking activity.